Curriculum Links BTEC 1st Diploma

Curriculum Links BTEC 1st Diploma

Mapped Outcomes Teaching and Learning Activity/Assessment

Unit 1: Public Service Skills

P3 Contribute to different team building activities

Teambuilding activities to be incorporated in to the main residential programme include:
• Team Obstacle Course Challenge
• Night Communications and Navigation planning exercise
• Low Ropes course

P6 Use correct terminology in a given Public Service
communication context

This is carried out in a number of ways, initially when following and conducting daily public service routine students adhere to timings linked to events requiring them to understand and follow the correct terminology and actions for each.
E.g. Reveille, First Parade and Briefings.

Additionally on the main night confirmation exercise students are required to follow and extract information from an official Public Service briefing sequence, and in turn produce their own team brief or ‘orders’ using the correct terminology in relation to their plan of action.

Throughout a number of training exercises and simulations covered on the course students are required to incorporate the correct use of communications equipment and also correct Public Service voice procedure used in relation to their task.

P7 Use interpersonal skills to communicate with personnel
in Public Service situations.

Used throughout all main teambuilding activities mentioned and additionally in given roles as student section commanders and during drill.

Unit 10 Land Navigation by Map and Compass

P5 undertake a planned route using map and compass with
route card

Practiced initially during low level daytime orienteering and navigation practice followed by extension activities during the night exercise.