Day 2 saw a combination of physical preparation and teamwork,giving students the chance to develop skills in these areas and apply them in a Public Service scenario .
Teamwork is a vital part of the Public services and day 2 of the residential gives students the chance to develop in this area in situations that offer pressure and a challenge to all.
Students taking part in a timed team challenge around the obstacle course. This allows for practical application of previous Public Service skills covered.
Day 2 also saw students getting further instruction in some aspects of Public Service skills including navigation and orienteering. This was also good preparation for the night exercise.
Kit inspections and personal admin form a vital part to Public Service life. The start of day 2 saw students preparing their kit and accommodation for for an inspection ensuring all uniform was prepared for use and serviceable.
One word.... Amazing!! When leaving on the monday morning both nervous and anxious I really didn't know what to expect from what was going to happen. I honestly can say that I knew it wouldn't be easy but my expections was nothing compared to what was happening but all I can say is I've enjoyed all of it. Both my strengths and weaknesses have been tested but it's been amazing... however the most important thing is not to give up because if you don't the achievement that you feel after is something to be proud of.
Jessica Wikinson
You have to get up at 6am to go for a morning run along the lanes. You run for about an hour and a half.
You also do P.T durning the day. You have to do an hour run for your fitness test.
It is hard for most of people who have low level of fintess. They also try to make your P.T session enjoyable.
I found the first day easier that the second day because it was a really long day.
I feel proud of my self
Sylivia Marzuchowska (1st Diploma)
We arrived at linnet clough on monday 5th october, as soon as the coach dropped us of, our experience of linnet clough began by walking 1 mile to the camp. We had to be very clean with our kit and not leave any kit hanging around, as all kit had to be in a carryier bag or your bag. Fitness was challenging and was a test about your stamina. The fitness was a test of your determination. If you ever go to linnet clough as long as you keep your head down and listen to instructions and show stamina in your fitness.
Corey Parris
I really enjoy fitness, as well a drill. I have helped and encouraged people during fitness when struggeling, and motivated them the best i can. I have really enjoyed the entire linnet clough experiance, i think that it is a must if you are thinking of joing any of the services. If anyone is wishing to join the corse i would advise reading this as a modle of how to behave and what to expect.
James Osborn 1st Dips
well all i can say is what an experiance!
it must have been the most hard and changelling thing i have ever completed in my life. i couldnt have dont it without the support of my fellow course friends and the nationals.
all i can say is do what you told when your told.
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