First Diploma learners celebrating their achievement ?
Linnet Clough Debrief: A tutor’s perspective
Matt Newbould
As 34 learners departed up the main ‘drag’ carrying ironing boards bin, bags ,kit bags and for most a big (if not weary!) smile, it was time to reflect on the previous few days exertions and activities.
Linnet Clough proved a taxing environment for all the First Diploma students and with a mix of skills and attributes, finding the ‘best fit’ to tackle the course as a team proved fruitful. We all know that ‘you can’t be good at everything’ and finding a way of pulling together and helping others get through was the key to a successful outcome for these young people at Linnet.
All in all the students performed well for the duration of the course picking up the basic skills fairly quickly, and showing that with a little determination (almost) anything is possible! Of particular note were the whole courses PT sessions. The level of effort and determination shown during these periods increased as the course went on with many individuals surprising themselves with their own abilities.
The night exercise went without a hitch, and the night navigation and signals skills were of a good standard, particularly as most students had had little or no experience in this area.
As the course came to an end there was a definite sense of achievement from all, and an understanding of what it means to work hard towards a common goal. For many this was a well deserved pass on the course, and for some it was the basis for which to improve.
The students attending Linnet work hard, of that there is no doubt, and for this particular group the passing of Linnet Clough is not the end but just the beginning!
‘Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference’.
Winston Churchill

"Get On Parade"

Matt Newbould putting the First Diploma students through their fitness assessments.

Dave White checking all is fair in the team game session

Chesterfield College second year national diploma students assist with running of the Linnet Clough UPS induction event.
This supports and provides them with a vital insight and understanding of teamwork , understanding discipline and communication. Whilst at Linnet the team prepare for their role in running a major incident simulation as part of their Command and control assignment.
Attention to detail 2nd Year National student preparing lunch. Joe and the support team prepare and provide over 650 meals and snacks per week.
When you arrive at linnet clough make sure that you follow instructions because if you dont then you will make it harder for yourself and others. When your doing your rooms for room inspection make sure that your uniform is spotles. Your trousers you should have a crease down the centre on both legs. Polish your boots make sure they are nice and shiney all over. Also help others who are struggleing otherwise you will fail room inspection.
Try your best when doin fitness put all your effort in and never give up. Linnet clough isnt easy aslong as you try as hard as you can then you will do fine.
I found Linnet Clough hard im alrite at firness but at some points i wanted to give up but my friends motivated me and kept me goin. Look out for each other if somebody is struggleing then encourage them and tell them never to give up.
All in all i found Linnet Clough hard but it truely is amazing when the staff tell you youve passed and give you a get a certificate
Jake Collins
1st Diploma
The whole experience of linnet clough was the hardest thing i have ever done but i still put my full effort in to it and my hard work paid off in the end, the feeling you get when you are awarded your certificate is unimaginable and the sense of achievement you get when you are doing your pass out parade. i think that everybody who is thinking of joining a public service in the future should defiantly go to linnet clough and its an experiance i will never forget.
Always listen to instructions because things will be much easier for you
Always keep your accommodations clean and keep on top of it at all times.
LEARN HOW TO IRON BEFORE YOU GO (you will get a lot more sleep if you do)
Nathan Bates – First Diploma Thursday, 7 October 2010
Well my experience at linnet clough was amazing...i really enjoyed it...
it was very hard at times and i found it very hard..and the fitness was hard too... however i got to know more about people on my course and everyone got along and helped each other out.
It will be a memorie to remember for me and probably many others....
and if your are about to go to linnet.....make sure you put 200% in to everything you do..even if your finding it hard and make sure you, your rooms and the bathrooms are clean and pay attention to what the staff tell you to do and DO NOT be late to any of your details! however have fun and enjoy every moment of it!
Katie Cahill - Thursday, 7 October 2010
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