Their progress will be published on this site as the long hours unfold. A typical day stretches from 06.00 through to midnight. The events and activities that the students partake in range from physical preparation to communication and teamwork.

Physical Prep Uniform Service Style.

Team work

Fall in and wait for further instruction

Initial safety briefing

Waiting for the unknown
Second years view on Linnet Clough
by Aaron Hughes - Thursday, 7 October 2010, 09:50 AM
The first few days have been difficult fitting into a routine, and trying to get on with each other. Gradually we have started pulling together and we are now working to set routines and tasks. Before we arrived we weren't a team, now after just a few days we all work together getting on without arguments. (Forming, Storming, Norming, Performing) Between us we have put up a 24x18 tent without any falling out and we are preparing the younger students for their Linnet Clough experience, as well as cooking or preparing what seems like food for a small army. The experience as a whole is fantastic we have learned so much about real teamwork in a live setting.
Without doubt the above has been enjoyable experience whilst at the same time a major challenge. We feel that the insight is preparing us for the uniform public service work place.
We soon found out there is always something to do around here, always helping others. The early mornings become more difficult as the days go by. The first Diplomas students did really well the time they were here, mostly trying there best listening and learning. Nearly everybody tried and it is our job to make sure that everybody does try. If there is someone who is not pulling their weight then we have to try and make them be a team player.
Were also here for support for anyone feeling left out or home sick. We want everyone to feel we are here to help them and support them through their time at Linnet Clough.
See you all when we get back or when you get here if you are a first year national.
Aaron, Johno, Jade, Marta, Kingsley, Lori, Danny, Joe, Laura & Nick. 2nd Year National Students
it was some of the best and most challenging days of my life but having gone through it with my head held high i am so glad i stuck to it. i beleive it has changed me in a way and i am planning on keeping the change becsuse it has kept me more organised more handy with ironing ect.
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